Lieutenant Dan — Emerging Hero and Shelter

Location: New Richmond, OH

Rescued in 2018 at just 5 months old, Lieutenant Dan was born with a severe deformity of his hind limbs and tail. Despite his unique challenges, his loving adopters saw beyond his medical needs.

With his birth defect deemed too severe to correct, the decision was made to amputate his hind limbs and tail. The surgery transformed his life; Lieutenant Dan adapted remarkably, becoming more playful and energetic than ever. He now zooms around on his two front legs and revels in wrestling, playing fetch, and going on adventures.

Lieutenant Dan also underwent Surgery and Full Course Radiation Therapy to combat a Soft Tissue Sarcoma. Since the treatment, he has had great results with no signs of recurrence.

He enjoys hiking, swimming, and even paddleboarding. He also spends time visiting nursing homes, and adults with disabilities. Lieutenant Dan’s zest for life and indomitable spirit have touched countless hearts. His journey demonstrates that with love and perseverance, every pet, no matter how unique, can live a full and happy life.

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