Sampson — Service and Guide/Hearing

Location: Sierra Vista, AZ

Sampson dedicated nine incredible years to supporting his handler, making a profound impact on both their lives. After a devastating accident in 2006 that left his handler with 23 broken bones and a traumatic brain injury, it seemed like life would never be the same. But with Sampson’s unwavering support, recovery became possible. His handler not only healed but also earned a degree in neuroscience and founded a company that helps people with disabilities overcome barriers in science.

Known as the Science Service Dog, Sampson gained global fame, amassing over 72K followers across social media. Beloved for his infectious “Best Day Ever!” attitude, Sampson and his handler have traveled extensively, advocating for service dog handlers in science. Their work even reached Congress, where they are pushing to amend CDC guidelines to remove barriers for service dog handlers. Sampson’s legacy is one of changing and saving lives, one pawprint at a time.

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