Archer — Therapy

Location: Stanhope, NJ

Archer, a certified therapy dog with a heart full of love, has touched countless lives with his gentle spirit and unwavering empathy. This smiling Golden Retriever began his journey as a therapy dog when he was a puppy, undergoing two years of training before earning his certification in 2020. Since his first visit to Morris View Healthcare Center in August 2021, Archer has brought immeasurable joy to residents. With a tender nudge of his head or a comforting paw, Archer has a profound impact, especially on those with dementia, reminding them that they are cherished. One story recounts the remarkable transformation of a patient with dementia, who, once unresponsive and immobile, began to engage with others and walk again, all thanks to Archer’s visits. Although the patient’s memory has faded, Archer’s presence brings a profound joy. When he arrives, the patient’s face lights up and says, “You’re an angel sent from heaven.”

Archer’s work extends to schools, special needs students, first responders, and the wider community, where his understanding of human emotions shines through. Archer’s story is a true testament to the power of therapy dogs.

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