Chara — Service and Guide/Hearing
Chara was originally trained as a signal service dog. However due to a work accident in 2008, her handler developed a neurological condition known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy type II with Dystonia after a fractured hand. Due to the bond between handler and dog, Chara has trained herself to detect impending myoclonic dystonic attacks (15-45 minutes prior to episodes). This newly found “alerting” skill hasn’t formed just with her handler. Just two weeks after her handler gave birth to her son, he developed a severe cold. Unbeknownst to his mom (who’s also hearing impaired), he stopped breathing. Chara took it upon herself to alert her that something was terribly wrong (monitor was also going off). If it wasn’t for her quick response and love for the newest pack member, he would’ve succumbed to a condition known as SIDS. Chara has gone beyond her original skills of hearing dog. She’s demonstrated such a close bond between her handler and two-legged family that she’s the furry guardian or angel that watches over everyone and everything.