K-9 Hansel — Law Enforcement and First Responder
K-9 Hansel was only 7 weeks old when he was seized from an alleged dog fighting ring in Ontario, Canada. He never fought. He along with 20 other Pitbulls were slated for euthanasia. After a 2 year long battle with Ontario courts, Hansel was then transferred to Dogs Playing for Life down in Florida. Throw Away Dogs project was then notified of a potential working dog candidate for their program. Hansel was accepted into the program for more training. Millville Fire Department was looking for an accelerant detection K-9, Hansel was the perfect fit. Hansel and I went through 16 weeks of scent training, we were later certified as an arson detection team. Hansel is the first Pitbull certified in accelerant detection in the United States. Hansel can recognize 14 different ignitable liquid odors. He really is the best partner and a rock star. He was also honored as one of the dogs of the year featured on the CW network. If you google K-9 Hansel you can see all the obstacles he has overcome, it will also tell his story in more detail. Thank you for reading and considering Hansel.