Percy — Service and Guide/Hearing

Location: Meriden, CT

On November 14th, 2023, Ariana was attending her usual Monday class with Percy, her loyal black lab service dog, lying at her feet. Legally blind, Ariana relies on Percy for guidance, but he’s also trained to detect her chronic medical conditions. That day, Percy sensed something wrong, pawing at Ariana to alert her. They stepped into the hallway, and soon, Ariana broke out in hives—a sign of a severe medical episode. Ariana has Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), which can lead to life-threatening anaphylaxis. As her symptoms worsened, Percy guided her to a bench. When Ariana’s breathing became labored, she knew she needed help but couldn’t reach her classroom. Desperate, she instructed Percy to “go get help.” Without hesitation, Percy ran into the classroom, bringing back help. EMS arrived just in time, and Ariana was rushed to the ICU. Thanks to Percy’s quick actions, Ariana’s life was saved. Percy’s actions that day show just how much of a hero he is.

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