Willow — Service and Guide/Hearing

Location: Henderson, NV

Four years ago, a miracle named Willow entered the life of a disabled wildlife biologist, Caleigh, offering a second chance at life. Growing up in a funeral home, Caleigh struggled with PTSD, OCD, and Panic Disorder, and later discovered she was autistic, which added to her challenges. The symptoms were overwhelming, leaving her unsure if she could ever live a normal life. Yet, her love for animals remained a constant source of comfort. When she learned about service dogs, she knew Willow could make a difference. And she did—more than anyone could have imagined. Willow learned to mitigate the symptoms of Caleigh’s disabilities with tasks like deep pressure therapy and heart rate alerts. Together, they embarked on a journey, with Willow becoming the first service dog to work alongside a wildlife biologist in the field. Willow’s story has since inspired countless others, proving that with love and teamwork, any challenge can be overcome.

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