Little Man 2021

All dogs are heroes, but Little Man takes it to a new level. NASAR certified he ranges off-leash for a specific human scent or the scent of any human, Articles or human remains. His joyous spirit and amazing work ethic have won him friends with law enforcement and SAR personnel in multiple states. But his […]
Summer 2021

My retired canine partner’s name is Staff Sergeant Summer, a 10-year old female Labrador. Summer retired from the Marines Corps in 2013 as a Military Working Dog and proud War Dog. She most recently retired as a Police Explosive Detection Dog where she served proudly for 7 years. While deployed she conducted a substantial number […]
Henna 2021

Service and Guide/Hearing
I am Deaf and Blind. Henna, my amazing guide dog, has given me the freedom of travel and saves my life on a daily basis. She is an extension of my body, becoming my eyes and ears. Last year, while simply crossing a familiar intersection, I was nearly crushed by the trailer of an 18 […]
Boone 2021

Boone survived heartbreaking cruelty as a puppy, which resulted in the loss of his back legs. His life changed when he was adopted by a family with a soft spot for special needs pets. His family had him fitted with a wheelchair to improve his mobility, and he has been a dog on a mission […]
Deputy Chance 2021

Emerging Hero and Shelter
Chance was a victim of animal abuse in Lee County, Florida. The Lee County Sheriff’s Office investigated the animal cruelty case and use forensics evidence to identify a suspect and subsequently get a conviction. Chance was adopted by Lieutenant Castellon and deputized by Sheriff Carmine Marceno. Deputy Chance is the spokes dog for the Public […]
K-9 Hansel 2021

Law Enforcement and First Responder
K-9 Hansel was only 7 weeks old when he was seized from an alleged dog fighting ring in Ontario, Canada. He never fought. He along with 20 other Pitbulls were slated for euthanasia. After a 2 year long battle with Ontario courts, Hansel was then transferred to Dogs Playing for Life down in Florida. Throw […]
Sobee 2021

Living hopelessly and suffering from human neglect with only two days left on the euthanasia list in an overcrowded shelter in Georgia to living a purposeful life with my combat veteran in Missouri, my name is Sobee. Sobee was rescued by K9’s on the Front Line in 2016, and began her training as a service […]